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How to Empower Your Team to 2X Technology Adoption & ROI

Get more out of your tech stack by empowering your team to use it instead of forcing them to use it.

Sales technology is dead weight if your team isn’t using it.

When we don’t see the return on investment we were expecting, our instinct is to cut it from our budget or hop to a different provider. 9 times out of 10, the issue isn’t the technology, it’s technology adoption.

And we’ll tell you a secret even before you join the webinar – the answer to better adoption lies with your managers.

If you’re not seeing the results you want on your investment or investments (reps use at least six different technologies in their day-to-day), then join us on Thursday, July 28th, for the ultimate guide to technology adoption.

Thursday, 7.28.22 @ 12:00 PM CT | 1:00 PM ET

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