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5 LinkedIn Tips to Drive Digital Presence Engagement

18 February 2020

Bear Heiser

LinkedIn Tip of the Day: Make Your Content Feed Your New Resume

  • Whether you use LinkedIn to connect with your buyers, to establish a level of expertise in your industry or to get started looking for your next opportunity, your content feed should act as your new resume.
    A traditional resume is stale and boring (two very similar things, I know). What isn’t boring, though, is a lengthy feed of content that shows how smart, how innovative and how engaging you are. When you send out a connection request or click submit on a job application, the person on the other end is going to Google you and check out your social profiles, likely starting with LinkedIn.
    If your feed is full of excellent content that allows you to flex your expertise and engage intelligently with buyers, clients, thought leaders, etc, that is going to be way more powerful than a collection of bullet points on a black and white resume.
    Start referring to your content feed as “My Library of Expertise.”

LinkedIn Strategy of the Day: Build Out Your Network

How many new connection requests are you sending out per day? My guess is that it’s not enough. 

We speak to dozens of clients per week, but very few of them actually spend time building out their network to be more reflective of their buyer personas. If your content was created with your buyer in mind but your network looks more like your college graduation class than your clientbase, you’re doing it wrong. 

This one is easy. Start adding new connections every single day. No one is going to think you’re spam, don’t worry. This is what people do on LinkedIn. 

Let’s start off with a manageable ask here … for this next week, commit to sending out 75 new connection requests per week. Just get into the rhythm of it.

The BIGGEST of SHOUTOUT of the Day: Bobby Harris of Sprout Social

So much to love about this post from Mr. Harris: 

  • Leads off with a thought-provoking question, then leads into a study that was produced by Sprout.
  • Adds in two paragraphs of his own insights/expertise.
  • Ends with a question that reads as a call to action.
  • Uses 3 targeted hashtags!

Put it all together and what do we have? A post with strong engagement (and he replied to every comment, too).

LinkedIn Formatting Tip of the Day: Pack Some Punch Above the Fold

First read the post, then as you’re writing your next post, recall that you are competing with every other person in your network for eyeballs. Be compelling. Be authentic.

LinkedIn Content Idea of the Day: Take a FAQ and Answer it!

Do you take notes on your sales calls or client calls? Well, if you don’t, you should. These notes should be goldmines of content ideas. When you start to notice that you’re hearing a lot of the same questions, put the question on LinkedIn and answer it for your audience. 

If you’re connected on LinkedIn with your prospects or active clients, you might just have saved yourself the time it takes to answer the questions over the phone. BOOM! Time saved and now your client knows more about your product and/or value proposition.