Annual Report Teardown - The Tractor Supply Company [Webinar Recap + Recording]
Becca Eddleman
If given the opportunity to set executive meetings with enterprise buyers, would you know what sales approach to take? What if you did a little bit of pre-research and took a look at the company’s annual report?
In this first annual report teardown, Jake Dunlap and Matt Cameron (CEO of SAASY Sales Leadership) reviewed The Tractor Supply Company’s annual report to show enterprise sellers exactly how to use that information to identify whom to sell to and what to sell.
If you’re interested in closing six and seven-figure deals with public companies, then check out the on-demand webinar for an insider’s look into enterprise sales.
From revealing company strategies and corporate agendas to identifying key figures, Jake and Matt will equip you with the tools you need to maximize sales and close enterprise deals based on the information found in an annual or quarterly report.
To sell to enterprise companies, start your process with research. Gain a better understanding of who the company serves, who works there, and their key strategy drivers.
Knowing whose opinions carry the most weight and the factors that influence those opinions can not only help in your pitch but can help you avoid looking uninformed.
In just a few hours, Matt gathered enough information to successfully plan an approach for setting an executive meeting with the publicly-traded company, The Tractor Supply Company. His research was based on listening to an investor relations call and then looking at their investor presentation deck. Matt was also committed to going the extra mile and went undercover for some in-person research at a store, but that might not always be an option.
Plan of Attack
Starting with the Account Roadmap, a template for the account you’re going after, complete all information about the account that paints a clear picture of who they are, what they do, and who they serve. One key point to note is identifying all possible objections they may have to your pitch so you can preemptively address them.
Using the roadmap as a guide, explore the key players at the company. Understand the order of contacts and their relationships. Furthermore, plan who on your team should be integrated into this outreach. Plan how to maximize your team’s strengths to connect with key players from the company’s team.
“You’ve got to think about what the human cares about…”
Jake and Matt emphasize the importance of understanding the key players first. Knowing their individual priorities will give you a considerable advantage in pitching. It helps when presenting potential opportunities, as long as the opportunities are aligned to their objectives as individuals.
Resources from the Webinar
Jake and Matt don’t just tell you what to do in this annual report teardown, but they give you the tools to start implementing these strategies today.
For instance, in addition to the annual report teardown webinar, take a minute to watch this brief example outreach video of Jake calling the SVP of Marketing at the Tractor Supply Co.
Notice how he addresses an issue identified in an earnings call, connects it to her previous employment at another company (to show he did his research and this isn’t a generic script), and then provides a sneak peek at what he is offering. He then offers to follow-up with more details and emphasizes that this is a “massive opportunity” for her.
Jake and Matt also share two more templates in the webinar. Around the 30 minute mark, Jake will explain how to utilize an Account Plan Template to gather valuable information about the company. Then, around 45 minutes, Jake shares scripts for varying messaging modes, including emails and calls, to make your outreach to enterprise leaders more efficient.
Now that these teasers have lit a fire in you to pursue and win more enterprise sales accounts, what should you do next? Watch the full annual report teardown webinar and download the presentation slides for more insights and strategies!
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