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What should I post on LinkedIn? 99 Ideas.

5 Easy Steps to Building Your Digital Presence on LinkedIn

26 February 2020

Bear Heiser

Welcome to this week’s editor of the Skaled Digital Presence tip sheet. Building your presence on social, especially LinkedIn, is one of the most important things a brand and/or individual should develop in 2020.

LinkedIn Tip of the Day: Add 100 Buyers Per Day to Keep the Boss Away

  • We get so much feedback from clients like “I didn’t have time this week to add new buyers to my network.”If you’re posting content but not adding the buyers to your network, you’re doing it wrong. Unless your goal purely is to post content, then you need to be intentional with how you implement this strategy. You’re creating the content for your buyers, so make sure your network is full of your buyers. The hack below will help you do it MUCH faster.  

LinkedIn Strategy of the Day: To Pitch or to not Pitch … That is NOT THE QUESTION. NO PITCHING until the time in right!

This one is pretty self explanatory. Pitching at first point of contact is a baaaaaad idea. As we’ve said before, buyers want to buy from people, not brands. Build the relationship before you introduce your prospect to your parents … I mean brand. 

The BIGGEST SHOUTOUT of the Day: Jackie Steiner of AltruLabs

Sorry if you think we’re playing favorites as this is Jackie’s second call out in the last four weeks. So much to love about this post. 

  1. It’s relatable AF
  2. It’s personal AF
  3. It’s humorous AF, yet serious

We love seeing this type of content. Posts like this build trust with the audience. The more your audience can see itself in you, the more likely your audience is to engage with you. 


LinkedIn Data Point Tip of the Day: Not All Thought Leadership Content is Good Thought Leadership Content


LinkedIn Content Idea of the Day: What is the Cost of Not Doing Business with You or Your Brand?

You are fully versed in you/your brand’s value proposition. Use that value proposition to highlight the cost to a prospect of not doing business with you. List the outcomes. Be direct. Remember that YOU ARE THE EXPERT!